More than 20 countries that I’ve traveled, I’ve used hitchhiking mostly. But I need to admit that, we had extremely failed with Martin for 2 days in Athens once, but some year after we hitchhiked to Iran around 13.000 kms.
So it’s not about chance only, you also need to learn some tecniques for a more succesful trip. 😉
How to Hitchhike?
As there are many things to discuss, I will just let you know about Hitchhiking 101, just 3 main tips:
1. Find a good spot. Believe me, you will know where is it by practicing.
2. Show your first finger. Shake it or not, just do it with joy 🙂
3. Be insistent. You should insist that “you are the guy! I know you will stop!” Make him/her stop.
For more detailed information you can watch our “Hitchhiking Training” video that we shot on Iran way. You can put subtitles if you want.
What is Hitchhiking?
It is a travel choice that you are stopping vehicles for going to place that you desire. The best thing is you are being guests to some other lifes; you’re having many interesting conversations and sharing a lot. You know that, “sharing is caring!”
So, Bon Voyage! 😉