2 New Clips From “The Grand Budapest Hotel”

Unfortunately, there are several months for screening of Wes Anderson‘s last movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel. Fortunately, Fox Searchlight shared two new clips this week.

The adventures of Gustave H(Ralph Fiennes), a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa(Tony Revolori), the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. In the first clip, we are meeting with Zero, probably you haven’t met with him before this movie.

In the second clip of this fantastic comedy, Gustave H is accused of murder, and we see Edward Norton:

The cast is really powerful with the names Ralph Fienne, Edward Norton,  Tilda SwintonJude LawAdrien BrodyWillem DafoeLea SeydouxJeff GoldblumJason SchwartzmanSaoirse RonanMathieu AmalricHarvey KeitelTom WilkinsonBill Murray and Owen Wilson. The movie will be in theaters 18 April 2014 in Turkey.

Enjoy the movie!

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