14 year old Berkin Elvan was shot with a 850 gr. gas cannister on june 16th. He was not a protester he was going to the market to buy some bread. Devamı →
It was just 2 months ago that I’ve been in London for a while, as we were on our way to Orlando, USA for Kyani convention with my business partners. Devamı →
Quite been a long time that I haven’t been hitchhiking a long route since we hitchhiked around 13.000 kms with Martin&Barbara to Iran. The date is 08 DEC 2013, it’s sunday. We’re turning back from a leadership camp, we are with Yiğit now. Devamı →
Unfortunately, there are several months for screening of Wes Anderson‘s last movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel. Fortunately, Fox Searchlight shared two new clips this week. Devamı →
After many years, the time has arrived to make the diving into writing again. For now I have 3 categories to write: Soft Skills, Cinema&Photography and Travel. Devamı →